Window Installation

Tools required:  All you need is a pair of sharp scissors.

A step-by-step Installation Guide with photographs is supplied with each order.

Before you start:  clean and dry around the frame where the magnetic tape is to go.

Read the Installation Guide provided up to step 1. This will explain the coloured plastic tie system used to identify the different sets of tapes and when to use them.

Read and follow the instructions for step 1. Then read and follow the instructions for each step as you go..

The Six Steps

Step 1  Self-adhere the magnetic tape “A” around the window frame (top, bottom and the 2 vertical sides).

Step 2  Magnetically attract the “B” magnetic tape to the “A” tape that was self-adhered around the frame in Step 1 (the self-adhesive protector on the “B” magnetic strips will be facing you).

Step 3  Peel the protective cover off, leaving the self-adhesive on the “B” tape exposed. Take the mesh (which is slightly oversize) and press it onto the exposed self-adhesive.

Step 4  Peel the adhesive protective cover off the remaining “A” magnetic tape and press the tape on top of the mesh and aligned to the “B” magnetic tape underneath.

Step 5  Remove the frame and mesh and place on a flat surface. Trim the excess mesh on the right vertical and bottom horizontal.

Step 6  Glue on the 4 corner pieces (glue supplied).

Time Taken: approx 15-30 minutes

The fly-screen is now ready to be put back on the window.